Nepalese play 1953: Race For The Summit is in Frigid New York at Queerly Festival

प्रकाशित मिति : असार ६, २०७७ शनिबार

Frigid New York is presenting Nepalese play 1953: the race for the summit by Om Raj Raut in Queerly Festival 2020 through the live streaming on 21 June 2020 at 4:00 pm.

A native of Nepal, actor, writer and director Om Raj Raut studied theatre in City College. After performing national and international theatre, he is coming up with his one-act solo play this year at the queerly Festival New York. While studying BA in Theatre at the City University of New York, he performed in many productions at Marian Anderson Theater and BMCC Tribeca Performing Center, New York. His main artistic concern is to bring his diverse culture through the art of solo performance where he feels the lack of cultural representation of his country Nepal in a global platform where theatre culture and art school are not easily accessible.

The play 1953: Race For The Summit followed the story of mountaineer ‘Tenzing Norge,’ which focuses on the night before of reaching the summit and how he scaped the avalanches and snowfall when he was trying to reach the Mount Everest on seventh times. He was one of the first two individuals known to reach the summit of Mount Everest, which he accomplished on 29 May 1953

Tune in from home! The full festival is available online, and you can find tickets and links at

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